International Distribution
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We help authors in getting their books published through our print-on-demand self-publishing platform and other international platforms, which offer distribution services and make the titles available for buyers in India, USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, through the following booksellers (but not limited to):
India | USA & Canada | Europe | Australia & New Zealand | Japan |
---|---|---|---|---| | | | | | | Barnes & Noble | | ||
WFP Store | | | || | |||| |
Ingram Distribution
In addition to the international distribution channels listed above we also provide Ingram distribution as as add-on service. Ingram's distribution network comprises of 39,000+ booksellers and libraries. Following is a representative list of distribution channels:
United States
Ingram, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, NACSCORP, Espresso Book Machine.
United Kingdom & Continental Europe
AdLibris AB, Agapea, Amazon EU Sarl, American Book Center, Aphrohead, Bertram Books, Blackwell, Books and Periodicals Agency, Books Express, Books etc, Coutts Information Services, Eden Ecommerce, Fishpond World, Gardners Books, Landabooks, Langham Partnership (UK & Ireland), Largeprintbookshop, Mallory International, Paperbackshop, SellerEngine, Software Inc., Superbookdeals, The Book Depository, The Ultimate Company (UK),W & G Foyle, Waterstone’s, Wrap Distribution, CLC Wholesale.
Australia & New Zealand
ALS, Boffins Bookshop, Books for Cooks, Bookoccino, Booksources Online, Campion / Landmark, Campus Bookshop Griffith Uni, CO INFO, Co-Op, David Pawson Ministries, Derek Prince Ministries Inc, DLS, Dymocks Indooroopily, Dymocks Melbourne, EG Books,, Holistic Page, INTEXT, James Bennett, Julian Wood Booksellers, Management Books.(AIM), Mary Who, Medical Book Centre, Media Mall, Mercury Retail Ltd (The Nile), ML Medical Books, Pages and Pages, Portland Booksellers, Pure Pilates, Readings, Reader's Comp, The Bookhaven, Total Library Solutions, University Books, UNSW Books, Westbooks, Zookal.
Chapters/Indigo, Amazon, Canadian general market segments including wholesalers, chain retailers, Internet stores, independent retailers, library suppliers and university college book stores.
eBook Distribution
We provide eBook creation services for major eBook platforms including Amazon Kindle, Google Play, Kobo and Scribd.
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